Our unbacked stretch suede is thicker than some foam backed alternatives!
Sajid arranged to see us. His trimmer had advised to look for foam backed silver stretch suede for his Golf headlining.
Sajid wanted to check on two things. First the material was thick enough for a headliner. Second the silver colour matched his trim.
He came in armed with a foam backed silver sample from another supplier and a trim piece from his Golf !
What followed surprised him and me.
Our unbacked stretch suede was actually thicker than the foam backed sample.
Ours is 0.8 mm as you can see from the photo. The foam backed sample he had was 0.7mm !
I must say this was very pleasing for us. We have produced the stretch suede so it’s great for headliners AND trims. Saves our customers time and money. They do not need two different materials. A foam backed headlining and an unbacked material for dash, door cards, pillars or trims.
The trim piece was also a near perfect colour match !
Sajid took our sample away with him to show his trimmer. Impressed, Sajid came back and ordered 3 metres (300 cm X 150 cm). He used 2.25 metres for his headliner and the left over was for his trims.
A great job and educated us at the same time.
Sajid was pleased
“ Hi Jag
So sorry to have not contacted you sooner. My upholsterer finished it last weekend. I managed to fit it earlier this week. It looks amazing, it was really good stuff you supplied.”